
Innovations to BETTER feed the planet!
Our innovative technology makes it possible to produce fresh, high-quality food in optimal growing conditions and natural light.
R&D at the heart of our project
We develop new technologies in order to:
- Producing healthy food without pesticides or herbicides
Increase our products freshness
Optimize water consumption
Increase yields on the same agricultural area
Respect the environment
Practice a responsible social behavior

Our innovative technology : X-Frame
- A vertical hydroponics system (Patent #FR2001439)
High yields
Optimized use of space
Powerful nutrient dosing system
Simplification of the planting and harvesting process
Maximum optimization of water consumption (95% savings/conventional crops)
Our greenhouse
New generation production greenhouse of 10,000 m2 on 9 m high + Nursery greenhouse of 2000 m2
Automated greenhouse using artificial intelligence
Our tool allows us to produce 22000 plants / day
Laboratory & R&D center
Optimization of water and energy use
Expansion of the range of cultivated plants
- Control and optimization of the growth cycles of the plants
- Development of new growing supports with better yields